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2022 Local Halloween Event Guide

So many spooktacular events!

By Jenna Amyot October 27, 2022

Halloween is here, friends! And while it looks like all of our cities and towns are officially trick or treating on Monday, there are plenty (and I mean PLENTY) of events this weekend that will help you get your fill of Halloween before then. 

So, here's your city-by-city guide to all of the happenings his weekend (note: if you want to see a day-by-day snapshot, you can do that on my events calendar). Time to get your money's worth out of those costumes, folks!


  1. Business Trick or Treat (Friday)
    • At any of the squares in Medford (and there are a few), from 3-5 p.m. on Friday, families can trick or treat at storefronts in Medford. For really little kids, it's a great way to get them comfortable (or reacquainted!) with trick-or-treating. We went last year and are going again tomorrow. 
  2. Spotlight Spooktacular Showcase (Friday)
    • This is a fun, Halloween-themed performance by students at Medford High School. It's a great opportunity to show your support of budding artists and performers and another way to soak up all the Halloween fun.
  3. Halloween Fest (Saturday)
    • Hosted by the mayor of Medford, this event convenes at Wright's Pond and features music, food and floating pumpkins (you're welcome to drop off a carved pumpkin in advance!). And yes, kids are welcome (and encouraged) to attend in costume!
  4. Snappy Patty's Halloween Party (Saturday)
    • Snappy Patty's has been throwing epic Halloween parties for years (less so during the COVID-19 pandemic) but if parents are looking for a fun night out, this is the event to attend. From prizes for the best costumes to $10 burgers (it's a steal and their burgers are delicious) and pours from Medford Brewing, this is one Halloween-loving adults don't want to miss!
  5. Trunk or Treat (Sunday)
    • A smaller, neighborhood event, this trunk or treat in North Medford is a great alternative for people who don't want to trick or treat on Monday! 


  1. Trick or Treat Party (Saturday)
    • Kudos to the Russian Mathematics School in Winchester for throwing a fun trick-or-treat party for kids in grades K-4! This one will have crafts, trick or treating and math-themed games and carving! 
  2. Halloween Bash (Saturday)
    • Hosted by FAN and the Winchester Recreation Department, the Halloween Bash will include a parade and downtown trick-or-treating (beginning at 10 a.m.). Afterwards, you can enjoy live music from the one and only Matt Heaton


  1.  90s Halloween Party (Friday)
    • Another event for parents, this one is on Friday at Scoreboard Sports Bar & Grill with live music and prizes for costumes!
  2. Launch Halloween Event(Saturday)
    • If you missed the memo, there's a new trampoline park in town, Launch! On Saturday, Launch is hosting a day-long celebration with events for kids in specific age ranges. This might be one we opt to attend out of costume, but we've been dying to check this place out. Important note - this is a ticketed event, so try to buy before you go!
  3. Halloween Parade (Sunday)
    • This is the 68th Annual Halloween Parade in Woburn - one that attracts thousands of spectators. There will be live music, performers and more. This one is worth making note of, because we're likely nearing the end of parade season and I always get the best pictures of the kids at these types of events. 
  4. Fall Fun at Woburn Village (Sunday)
    • Rescheduled from last week, this event is going to be a lot of fun, with games, treats and a special screening of the movie Coco. 


  1. Halloween at Wayside(Friday)
    • We're always at Wayside Common - there's great shopping and great food, and a great event is yet another reason we'll head over there. There will be a DJ, a costume parade and face painting. 
  2. Spooktacular & Candy Crane Drop (Saturday)
    • This event has two parts - typical Halloween fun and a candy CRANE drop. The latter, which sounds awesome, is only open to Burlington residents, which as I understand it is to help with crowd control.
  3. All Hallows' Eve Trunk or Treat (Sunday)
    • Another opportunity to get your kids in costume for a trick-or-treating event!


  1. Trunk or Treat (Sunday)
    • Love all the trunk-or-treat events these days, and this one in Wilmington on Sunday could be the perfect alternative for anyone who's looking to skip the school night/worknight Halloween festivities on Monday.