
Fun Reads for Valentine's Day

By Jenna Amyot February 2, 2023

Truth be told, we have a lot of seasonal books. Christmas books, Easter books and even Valentine's Day books. It sounds excessive because it is, but the way I justify them is that they help us teach our kids about different seasons, holidays, and where we are in the year in relation to other holidays or occasions. 

So, if you're looking for a new seasonal read, allow me to share a few of my favorite Valentine's Day books with you. 

Love Monster and the Last Chocolate

I love this book because it so perfectly captures the emotions around a box of chocolates. To share or not to share? It's a complicated question and Love Monster explores all that could go wrong by sharing chocolate with his friends. Relatable, fun, and a great opportunity to talk about sharing with your kids.

Little Blue Truck's Valentine

I feel confident in saying we own every Little Blue Truck book there is (as well as a plush Little Blue that beeps). Each book is different but features the same farmyard friends. This story highlights the fun and emotions of giving out cards on Valentine's Day - but also examines the emotions around not getting cards in return. Another great conversation to explore with littles (don't worry, the book ends on a high note!).

Happy Valentine's Day, Curious George!

I'm now remembering we also have... Thanksgiving books. Namely a Curious George Thanksgiving book. That must be how we happened upon this Valentine's Day read from our favorite mischievous monkey. This book brings the fun with decorating, baking and card making, featuring fold-out flaps (which are always a crowd pleaser).